Digital Marketing

How to Market Your Beauty and Skincare Brand on Instagram

Fiverr Team
July 20, 2021
instagram marketing

If you’re thinking of marketing your beauty and skincare brand on Instagram, you’re off to a great start. Beauty content gets a ton of engagement on the platform and according to aSocialbakers analysis, it’s one of the top three industries that see the most Instagram brand interactions. So this could be the ideal platform to promote your beauty and skincare products.

Here are a few ideas to help you get a strong start:

1: Aim for branding consistency

When people visit your Instagram feed, they should instantly get a feel of your brand personality. That’s why branding consistency is important for your Instagram visuals. Your feed should look coherent and follow a color scheme that aligns with your branding.

Perhaps you like muted colors and clean, minimalist photos for your all-natural, eco-friendly brand. Or maybe you’re more into bright and colorful images to show your bold and fun brand personality. Whatever mood and color scheme visually aligns with your brand, make sure you consistently use them to guide your creative decisions.

This isn’t just visually appealing, but it also helps make a good first impression. Use a specific preset to make your photos convey a similar mood. Plus, make sure you have attractive Highlights cover images that are consistent with your brand style.

Ideally, you should create a brand style guide that includes a style reference for your Instagram posts as well. Work with freelance designers on Fiverr to发展你的想法l brand style guide.

2: Share beauty/skincare FAQs

Become an invaluable and go-to source of industry-related information by sharing beauty and skincare tips and FAQs.

Since Instagram is a visual platform, you should share this information in a visual format. Use original graphics to answer FAQs and provide quick tips. Freelancers specializing insocial media designcan help you with this.

To go more in-depth (read: tutorials and how-tos), you could also shareanimated explainersor add text overlay to your videos. Video could be a great way to show your audience how to use your products or provide them with makeup inspiration.

3: Share relatable memes

Memes are huge on Instagram. A lot of users use the platform to discover new memes and/or share them with friends. So any brand that wants to relate to its Instagram audience needs to adopt memes into its content strategy.

You can turn a relatable experience within the beauty community into a funny meme that your followers will love. You could also convert hilarious and relatable beauty and skincare-related Tweets into a meme for Instagram.

Adopting memes into your content strategy can be a bit of a challenge, especially if you’re trying too hard. So instead of handling it in-house, consider having asocial media content expertwith extensive “meme knowledge” to create them for you.

4: Engage with your followers

The key to brand success on social media is engagement. This is in part because the Instagram algorithm tends to favor content with high engagement rates. Plus, keeping your audience engaged will allow you to create a memorable brand presence.

So make sure you create plenty of opportunities for engagement. Ask questions in the captions and respond/react to their comments. You could also use Instagram Stories to create polls, collect questions and feedback, and so on. For instance, you could ask them about their “go-to bedtime skincare product” and get them to vote between two of your products.

Since social media management requires ongoing effort, it’s helpful to have asocial media managerhandle it. That way, you can have someone to consistently engage with your followers while you focus on other aspects of your business.

5: Leverage customer testimonials

Businesses in the beauty and skincare industry, specifically brands and personas that are just starting out, are greatly benefitted by customer reviews and testimonials. To convince people to buy your product, you need to show them proof that it works. Reviews and testimonials coming from other customers will make a strong case for your product.

Use Instagram to share before and after photos that your customers have submitted. Share their stories and experiences using your product. Capture screenshots of product reviews on your site and share them as images on Instagram. There are plenty of options to leverage customer testimonials on Instagram, but make sure you get consent from the original content creator.

Ready for a brand glow-up?

These basics are just what you need to step up your Instagram marketing efforts and really get your beauty and skincare brand in front of the right audience. If you’re ready to invest a bit more, you could evencreate an affiliate marketing programand partner with influential makeup and skincare enthusiasts.

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