  • DaIsraele
  • Membro dallug 2012
  • Tempo di risposta medio3 ore
  • Ultima consegna9 ore
  • Il mio Studio
    Dogvertising Studio
    Visualizza Studio
  • Marketing & Advertising
  • Real Estate
  • Insurance
  • Finance
  • Internet & Technology
Vedi progetti(6)
Completato con successo
  • Online Freelancing Essentials: be a successful Fiverr seller
    mag 2020
  • Viral Marketing: 7 Secrets to Promote Any Product
    mag 2020
  • Social Media Content Strategy
    giu 2020


我们做有趣的视频广告模板,让你的盟dience love you! Our videos give your business a WOW effect on an affordable budget... We have video ads for all niches (including yours!) and have helped hundreds of small businesses worldwide to improve their reach and success! Check out our catalog or drop me a message if you need help finding the right video for you!


  • Inglese(English)-Fluente
  • Ebraico(עברית)-Madrelingua/Bilingue

Account collegati


  • B.A.-cinema and television

    tel aviv university,Israel,Laureato 2011

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