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Instagram vs. Facebook: Which Platform Should You Invest In?

Learn the key difference between Instagram and Facebook. Decide which platform makes sense for your business, based on your goals and target audience.

By: Michelle Newblom
May 25, 2023
13 minute reading
instagram vs facebook

It’s 2023—your social media strategy needs to involve more than throwing a bunch of content at the page and seeing what sticks. You need to decide which platform to focus your efforts on and create content based on what users are expecting.

Instagram and Facebook are two of the most popular social media platforms. While you don’t need an active presence on both, you should invest in at least one of them to maximize your social media marketing.

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What are the differences between Instagram and Facebook?

People expect different types of content when they open up Instagram versus Facebook.

Even though Facebook owns Instagram and the two platforms encourage updates and sharing between friends and family, users look for different things from eachsocial mediaplatform. Businesses that understand the different purposes these platforms serve will flourish, while those that try to post duplicate content will not.


Instagram is a hub for visuals and aesthetics. Users share photos and videos with their followers and regularly visit the app to keep up with friends, brands, and influencers.

Instagram users aren’t visiting business pages to find their opening hours or address—they want to be visually engaged. The drawback to the emphasis on imagery is the lack of text, links, and CTAs. Accounts normally include a link in their bio that leads to relevant sites, since Instagram doesn’t support in-text links.

instagram example

Source: Instagram user @mollymoonicecream


Facebook is an informational hub—this is where users go when they need business information and reviews, and don’t mind reading longer walls of text. It’s also more accessible, due to being mobile- and desktop-friendly.

It’s easier for businesses to funnel potential customers to their website, as links can be shared in-text or as separate posts. Most businesses maintain a presence on Facebook, even if it’s not where most of their数字营销efforts are.

facebook profile example

Source: Facebook user Molly Moon's Homemade Ice Cream

Instagram vs. Facebook: Algorithms

Algorithms play a huge role in deciding how, when, and if your message is seen by your target audience. The days of chronological feeds are over. Social media platforms now favor relevancy over recency, serving users content they think users will enjoy, rather than simply the newest posts.


Instagram takes an analytical approach when curating the content it feeds to users. It considers factors such as metadata,hashtags, and engagement in its decision-making process. The biggest goal for applications is keeping users on their site. With an audience that has increasingly limited attention spans, it’s vital for publishers to hook the user in when they first open the application if they want tomake money on Instagram.

Instagram looks at the following when deciding how to distribute content, with the same criteria applying to posts in the main feed, Stories, and Reels:

  • Relationship.If users consistently interact with specific pages, they’re more likely to keep getting fed that content. Brands should stay on top of communication management by replying to comments, answering DMs, and starting conversations so that Instagram takes notice of the relationship.

  • Relevancy.Though the feed isn’t chronological, Instagram still serves recent posts over older ones, as they are deemed more relevant. The platform also takes note of trending topics.

  • Interest.Users that interact with videos more than pictures are more likely to see this type of content in their feed. Instagram will also take note if users engage with brands in a certain industry, and recommend others in that space.

Brands that don’t center their content around video will be happy to hear that Instagram is taking a step back from pushing videos so heavily.

One of Instagram’s main goals is to help users discover new content, which means the algorithm is dedicated to helping posts reach a fresh audience. If you schedule posts for optimal hours, engage with your community, and develop a solidInstagram marketing strategy, the algorithm will reward you.


Facebook takes many of the same criteria into consideration whenever you open the app. You’ll see posts from people you interact with often, the type of contact you engage with, and popular posts that have many interactions from relevant users.

With almost three billion monthly active users, there's too much content in a user’s feed than they couldreasonably browse in one session—which is where the platform’s four-step process comes in:

  • Inventory.The algorithm considers all the posts available from friends, pages, and groups, as well as relevant ads and recommended content.

  • Signals.Various factors—like who posted a photo or video, its format, your relationship to the account, its popularity—signal to the algorithm how relevant posts are going to be.

  • Predictions.Facebook looks at the signals to predict the likelihood of you enjoying and engaging with posts. It also runs surveys to see if posts are worth your time.

  • Relevance.The algorithm assigns posts a relevant score based on signals and predictions, and serves you content with high scores at the top of your feed.

Facebook’s algorithm functions similarly to Instagram’s, meaning engagement and community management are essential to getting your content more visibility.

Don’t try to outsmart the algorithm—use the criteria to understand what your potential customers find valuable and create content centered around that. Post at optimal times and watch your analytics to discover what works and what doesn’t.

Instagram vs. Facebook: Audience

Both Instagram and Facebook boast 25- to 34-year-olds as their biggest user group. This doesn’t mean that both platforms are equally optimal when it comes to targeting a younger crowd. Active users are the key metric to pay attention to.


Instagram is the best platform for businesses targeting millennials. While TikTok holds more of Gen Z’s interest, that age group of 18- to 24-year-olds isInstagram’s next largest demographic. Aside from being the go-to place for users to catch up with their friends via images, Instagram is where people turn to stay up to date on their favorite influencers and brands—90% of usersfollow at least one business account.

SinceGen Z and millenials are the biggest adopters of social commerce, establishing a presence on Instagram is a must for brands targeting these age groups. Brands that excel at visual storytelling will experience the most success, appealing to younger users who value aesthetics and creative marketing campaigns.

us social media buyers

Source: Insider Intelligence


While Facebook’s largest user group is millennials, the next largest user group by age is older—ages 35 to 44. Pay attention to more than just the numbers, because even though younger people have accounts, they’re not as active.

Facebook has the largest global audience, but many of its once-active users have abandoned the app in favor of newer platforms like TikTok and Instagram. According to aPew Research Centersurvey, Facebook’s popularity among 13- to 17-year-olds has plummeted. In 2015, 71% of users in this age group used Facebook, but that number is now at 32%.

pew research center report

Source: Pew Research Center

这减少接触并不意味着品牌should also abandon the platform.

Businesses that have older customers experience success from their presence on the platform, with the bonus that older consumers usually have higher incomes and more money to spend. While the fashion, beauty, and clothing industries may perform better on Instagram, health care, real estate, and fitness do well with Facebook’s audience.

Instagram vs. Facebook: Features

There are plenty of tools available for businesses wanting to market themselves on Instagram or Facebook. Both platforms allow users to like, comment on, and share posts.

instagram vs facebook features

Instagram features

While Instagram is best known for photo sharing, new features are constantly being added to make the platform more appealing to brands.

Let's take a more in-depth look at some of the core business features available on Instagram.

  • Stories.Stories are collections of photos and videos that are visible for 24 hours before they disappear. This feature allows brands to share quick updates or snapshots of their products, services, or events with their audience.

  • Reels.Similar to TikTok’s short-form videos, Reels can be up to 60 seconds long and display on a user’s profile in their own tab. Brands use Reels to connect with a younger audience and follow trends for potentially viral posts.

  • Shopping.Instagram makes social commerce a seamless experience by allowing businesses to redirect users to their product page. Potential customers can view description, image, and price.

  • Collabs.With influencer marketing continuing to grow on Instagram, it makes sense that accounts can now directly collaborate and co-create content that reaches a wider audience. Business accounts can collab with personal accounts or other businesses.

  • Lives.Livestreaming allows brands to engage with their audience on a more personal level. Lives can be saved as Reels on a user’s profile afterward.

  • Guides.Perfect for curating content, Guides live in their own tab and allow creators to add relevant content in the theme of Places, Products, or Posts.

instagram post

Source: Instagram user @mollymoonicecream

Facebook features

Facebook offers more than just image-based sharing. Informational text and conversations are a big part of the platform.

这里有相关的业务特性on Facebook:

  • Pages.When you create an account for your business, you’ll make a page. Pages come with unique features that allow brands to maximize their presence on Facebook.

  • Groups.Businesses can form a group around their brand and foster community. Similar to an online forum, a group is where loyal customers can interact with others and ask your brand questions.

  • Events.Brands can create and promote events related to their businesses for greater reach. If your business is trying to appeal to the local community, or if you have a new drop happening, spread the word with events.

  • Lives.Businesses can broadcast live video to their followers. It’s a great way to engage customers in real-time, and brands can use lives to promote their products and services as well as answer questions.

  • Stories.Facebook’s Stories feature is similar to Instagram’s. Accounts can post a collection of photos or videos that disappear after 24 hours.

  • Shopping.Business pages can add a Shopping tab. Customers can view advertised items and visit the company’s website to purchase.

Molly Moon's Homemade Ice Cream Facebook profile

Source: Molly Moon's Homemade Ice Cream Facebook profile

Instagram vs. Facebook: Paid advertising

Facebook’s Ad Manager lets you manage Instagram and Facebook ads from the same location. Ads can be in the form of Stories or posts on both platforms.

Facebook and Instagram both offer four bidding options:

  • Cost per click (CPC).Pay every time someone clicks on your ad.

  • Cost per thousand impressions (CPM).Pay every time 1,000 people see your ad.

  • Cost per like (CPL).Pay each time someone likes your post.

  • Cost per action (CPA).Pay each time someone completes your desired action.

Despite the similarities, there are many distinctions between the two, from user-friendliness to cost to reach.


Instagram is the clear winner when it comes to ease of use. With fewer tools than Facebook, advertising is straightforward and simple. Even those who have never tried advertising before will find the interface intuitive and easy to learn—though you can always call on asocial media marketerif you need help.

Although Facebook might have a wider reach than Instagram,Instagram tends to have higher engagement rates—posts on Instagram generate 23% more interactions than those on Facebook. Instagram users are more likely to convert than those on Facebook. This doesn’t mean you can post anything and expect great results—consider how you’re presenting your ads, as users are interested in aesthetic, high-quality content.

Video ads are limited to a minute long, meaning you’ll need to put even more thought into presentation. Not everyone can say everything they need to say in less than 60 seconds, which is why some brands prefer Facebook despite Instagram’s proven engagement rates.

Instagram is an incredibly powerful tool for advertising, which means it comes with a higher price tag. The average CPC for an ad on Instagram is around $3.56. For brands who put more effort into their campaigns, it's not uncommon to see spendings up to $1,000 each month.

instagram ad costs

Source: WebFX


As the most popular social media app, Facebook is known for its extensive reach. Facebook ads are a great way to hit your target audience, as long as they’re not a part of the younger generation.

Ads are more complex, which can be off-putting if it’s your first time managing ads. There are six main ad formats with more than 1,300 targeting options. That’s a lot for anyone, which is why many brands let an expertsocial media managerhandle all the planning and analytics for them.

Facebook ads are much more flexible, since brands can insert clickable links into the text of their posts. Also, video ads can be longer than 60 seconds. When considering presentation for Facebook, keep in mind that users like to share content with friends and family. Make your ad engaging and shareable.

Ads are typically cheaper on Facebook. The average CPC for an ad on Facebook is 97 cents.

Facebook ad costs

Source: WebFX

Instagram vs. Facebook: Which has a brighter future and why?

Before diving head-first into either platform, consider your target audience and goals. Those factors alone will make your decision for you.

When to invest in Facebook

投资in Facebook if your business is less focused on visuals and more focused on details and information. If your target audience doesn’t consist of teenagers, then most potential clients can be found on Facebook. Advertisements tend to be successful on the platform as well.

“While organic reach on Facebook isn’t as strong as Instagram for my marketing, it still provides an easier-to-use space for businesses to share information,”says Amira Martin, Founder ofMA Therapy LLC.“我是一个心理治疗师,但我也fo作者书r girls that teach positive messages. I have a very new Facebook account with only about 200 followers. Yet, my Zarah series books campaigns have been very successful. I reached over 1,000 individual readers for each of these ads with a payment of only $200.”

Amira Martin facebook

When to invest in Instagram

投资in Instagram if your target audience is younger than 35, as these users are more likely to check Instagram than Facebook when they open their phone. Get creative with your content and rely on the help of influencers to promote your business.

Pinkvilla (a lifestyle and entertainment news sites), in collaboration with Mad Influence (an influencer marketing agency), launchedCreators Unitedin 2023, which was the first creators confluence in India. The event was successful because of the enormous role of creators in promoting the digital economy.

“The event reached over 900 million creators, guests, celebrities, and attendees,”says Urmila Joshi, Social Media Manager atPinkvilla.“This number stands as a testimony to their role in the creator economy why they were leveraged in a big way for the Creators United 2023 campaign.”

Instagram profile example

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“If you use your time creating an ad campaign—when you could’ve paid someone who has more skill in it than you do—you could be missing out on a much better result,”says Martin.“Also, a social media expert brings a fresh perspective and new ideas to the table.”

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About Author

Michelle NewblomB2B SaaS Writer

Michelle Newblom is a B2B SaaS writer with a knack for creative storytelling, which she artfully applies to all of her content. Her expertise lies in creating compelling copy for blogs and guides, which help businesses generate conversions and attain their goals.