  • DaIndia
  • Membro daago 2012
  • Tempo di risposta medio1 ora
  • Ultima consegna7 ore
trofeo animato
Le persone ritornano abitualmente

brucexavier ha un numero eccezionale di clienti fedeli.
  • Blind Frog Ranch Season 2
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • M.W. Al Hamdi - Film Director
  • Indian Consulate in Dubai
  • NeuroOne - NASDAQ Listed Company
Vedi progetti(9)
Completato con successo
  • Stories That Sell: 7 Secrets To Create Killer Content
    feb 2019
  • Viral Marketing: 7 Secrets to Promote Any Product
    feb 2019
  • Social Media Content Strategy
    set 2021


I am a professional scriptwriter, press release writer, and distributor with over 10 years of experience working in the media and publishing industry. My client list includes brands like Microsoft, Bosch, Pizza Hut, Johnson & Johnson, Toyota, Burger King, TATA, etc. My biggest strength is my ability to research any topic and make it my own. This helps me to create authentic content that works.


  • Inglese(English)-Madrelingua/Bilingue

Test delle competenzeBETA

  • English Language9/10TOP 10%

Account collegati


  • B.Sc.-design and technology

    National Institute of Fashion Technology,India,Laureato 2008


  • Youth Leadership Award

    Rotary Club 2002

servizi di brucexavier