SimilarwebProduces Strategic Video Content with Speed & Ease on Fiverr Pro

International data and analytics company Similarweb needed to create a performance-boosting video for one of their strategic blog posts – see how a Fiverr Pro Project Partner managed and simplified the entire process for them, from end to end.

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Computer Software


14 offices worldwide

Company Size

1,300+ employees


Managed freelancers: script writer, voiceover artist, and video editor


Minute SEO-boosting video delivered

1 month

Saved compared to project-managing the video in-house

Meet Similarweb

Digital is now the most important driver of growth and profitability for just about every business. Similarweb is a platform that gives its customers a true 360 degree view of all digital activity across customers, prospects, partners, and competition. The resulting insights give Similarweb's customers — who are some of the world’s biggest brands — a digital edge that helps them beat their competition and win their markets.

The Challenge

Similarweb wanted to enrich selected blog posts with video content to help improve their SEO performance. While Senior Creative Manager Robin Morley is an expert in creating brand videos, he also had a strategic aim to broaden the pool of contributors and faces for the company’s video collateral. Rather than achieving this by sourcing and working with freelancers directly, he opted to streamline the process by outsourcing to someone who could oversee the project from start to finish.

The Impact

罗宾选择工作与项目合作伙伴Fiverr Pro to produce a five-minute long video that could be implemented inside one of their high-performing blog posts. While Similarweb has used Fiverr Pro in the past, this was the first time Robin was able to offload the talent selection and project management aspects of video creation to a Project Partner on Fiverr Pro.


From vision to video in 1 brief

To help ensure a quality product was delivered, Robin’s Project Partner advised the Similarweb team to fill out a detailed brief that was then used to drive the direction of the project. This significantly reduced the number of edits and changes needed during the revision process.


Meeting all milestones with qualified talent


A month saved on project execution

“Having a Project Partner coordinate and manage the entire process from start to finish made the commissioning and production process extremely straightforward. Via the freelancers sourced by our Project Partner, we were able to successfully introduce new faces and voices into our video collateral, and test new strategically valuable video formats.”

Robin Morley Senior Creative Manager, Similarweb

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