How to make an Ebook in 11 steps

Learn how to make an ebook and increase your business's exposure with this practical guide that walks you through the key steps for creating an ebook from start to finish

December 28, 2020
8 minute reading
Man reading an ebook

As tablets and e-readers continue to rise in popularity, more people turn to ebooks over hardback and paperback versions. Today, you'll find ebooks in every area of life. Businesses use themto acquire leads, educators rely on them to share up-to-date content with students, and authors publish fiction and non-fiction ebooks. Although you may have downloaded and read ebooks, you may wonder how to create an ebook.

Yes, making an ebook can be overwhelming. It takes compelling writing, visual appeal, and solid research, and this is why we have created this guide, to teach you everything you need to know about how to make an ebook from start to finish in a simple step-by-step process.

What is an Ebook?

An ebook is a book in digital form that can't be edited, should be reflowable, and can be read on digital devices such as dedicated e-readers, smartphones, desktop computers, and tablets. It can consist of text, images, or both. You may hear ebooks defined as an electronic version of a printed book, but that's not entirely accurate because many ebooks don't have a printed version.

What are the qualifications of an Ebook?

  • Can't be edited:Once an ebook is released, many people can gain access to it but they shouldn't be able to change it (just like you can't change a paperback book). If this requirement isn't met, the ebook could end up a jumbled mess far from the original. Being so, ebooks need to be in a format that doesn't allow editing without the author's permission.

  • Should be reflowable :Ebooks should also be reflowable which means they adapt to the end user's screen. In other words, the words, images, line breaks, chapters, etc. adjust to perfectly fit the device being used. While this makes for an ideal user experience, there are some exceptions to this rule as many ebooks are in PDF form which is not reflowable.

  • Accessible on a digital device:Lastly, ebooks have to be formatted properly so they can be accessed by a variety of digital devices.

What are the most used file formats for Ebooks?

  • EPUB: Short for electronic publication, this is the most supported ebook format. It's reflowable and accessible on a variety of devices from computers and phones to e-readers (aside from Kindles).

  • AZW: Created for Amazon's Kindle readers, AZW files are only accessible through Kindle's devices or apps. They have helpful features like annotations, bookmarks, and highlights.

  • PDF:可移植文档格式的简称,cre pdf文档ated by Adobe and are often used for ebooks because they can't be edited, and they hold their format. However, they aren't reflowable which can make them difficult to read on various devices.

Why should a business make an Ebook?

Today, ebooks are in wide use among online marketers, and this for mainly two reasons:

Generate new leads

By offering an ebook download in exchange for an email, you can gain permissionto market to new targetsand encourage them towards a sale. Every time someone downloads your ebook, you convert a website browser into a named prospect who has the potential of becoming a customer.

Because ebooks don't require a printing process, they are often faster to produce than hardcopy materials. Also, you can update and re-publish ebooks with ease to ensure that your books always contain the latest trends and insights.

Showcase expertise

Ebooks canposition your brand as a knowledge leader在你的重点领域。而不是仅仅说that you are a thought leader, you can showcase your expertise through in-depth content. You can also educate people on valuable professional skills while keeping some insights in reserve to help build a business. No doubt, ebooks can be some of the most powerful tools in your marketing arsenal.

How to create an Ebook in 11 steps?

Step 1. Know your audience and choose your Ebook topic

Before writing your ebook, you should know your target audience well. What keeps them up at night? And how can you solve their problems?

For business ebooks, think about your ideal customers and determine topics that address their most pressing problems. If you speak directly to your audience's needs, they'll be more likely to download your ebook and gain value from the content. And they'll start to view you as a knowledge leader. Look at ebooks as an opportunity to dive deep on a topic your prospects care about and motivate them to get in touch with your sales team.

Step 2. Outline your ebook chapters

Once you've chosen a topic, start sketching out your topic in an outline. You can think of your ebook as a short course on your topic that caters to individuals with a beginning to intermediate knowledge of your topic.

For your outline, create a list of chapter titles that clarify what each section will contain. It can be helpful to delineate subsections to ensure you cover all relevant points. A more detailed outline also helps writers and editors who work on your book understand your intent.

Remember to focus on quality over quantity in authoring your ebook. Some ebooks only have three to five chapters but accomplish their goals. Others may need dozens of pages. Write as much as needs to be written, but don't feel a need to pad your ebook to meet a certain length.

Step 3. Find an Ebook writer

Writing effective ebooks is a highly specialized skill — and most people need to turn to professional ebook writers. Ideally, you want a writer that has expertise in long-form content writing and knows fundamentals about your topic.

你的作家应该能够匹配的首选style of your content — whether conversational or more serious.By hiring an ebook writer, you can trust that your project will get done by the deadline you prefer instead of letting writing fall to the bottom of your to-do list.

Step 4. Provide the writer's guidelines

Giving your writer as much detail as possible will streamline the content development process and help you gain a better end product. Share your guidelines with your writer, and include your desired title and main chapter topics, along with any quotes or testimonials that you want to include. Also, highlight relevant stats and suggest strategic placement for calls-to-action to motivate readers to take the next steps.Provide any brand identity or visual guidelines you haveto ensure that the writer can align with your voice and key messages.

Ask the ebook writer to also write your ebook introduction and description. It will come in handy when you publish and promote your ebook, but we will discover the 'why' and 'how' a little later in this guide.

Step 5. Choose the visuals

Since ebooks are highly visual publications, your writer will benefit from knowing what visuals you have in mind.

Have you selected photos or icons for use in your book?

Have any charts, graphs, or callouts sketched out?

Even if the visuals aren't perfected, understanding your vision for the final look and layout of your book will make the writer's job go more smoothly.

Step 6. Find an Ebook designer

An expert designer is another critical member of your ebook creation team. Even if you have brilliant content, a haphazard design approach will diminish the value of your ebook. That's why hiring a designer with deep expertise in ebook layout is a must.

Important:Provide your ebook designer with your brand style guidelines

Before diving in, your ebook will need your brand style guidelines. Specifically, your designer needs the fonts, photography styles, iconography, and colors you use to tell your brand story. Designers also benefit from seeing past publications — whether marketing materials, digital assets, or prior ebooks. With these assets, your designer can create ebook visuals that complement your style and entice people to read your book.

Designers can help you select an effective ebook structure, select the right color combinations, and incorporate your desired visuals. Designers know the mechanics of how to publish ebooks to maintain their appeal and readability across varied screen sizes and in printed format.

Step 7. Find a beta reader

It's often valuableto have a beta reader, someone who is unfamiliar with your book, read over it before you send it for publishing. Consider this another set of eyes. Your beta reader can tell you if your concepts and ideas make sense to someone who may not have much experience in your area of expertise. With a beta reader's feedback, you can understand if your content is accessible to a wide audience or if you need to rework it to broaden your book's appeal.

Step 8. Send the Ebook to proofread

Even if you create the most beautiful ebook, a single typo or grammar glitch can make readers lose respect and interest. Prevent these mishaps byhiring a professional proofreaderto go over your near-final book before publishing. Your ebook proofreader can perfect spelling and grammar and optimize the length of your book. Also, they can ensure that your ebook description flows well, brush up the voice, and convert the final piece into a PDF.

Step 9. Convert the Ebook to the right file type

You can save your ebook in one of several formats, some of which are more flexible, while others only work with specific e-reader devices. Here are the six most common ebook formats:

  • PDF: Short for "Portable Document Format," PDF files are a good fit for ebooks intended to be read on a computer. It's a popular choice for business ebooks.

  • EPUB: As you might surmise, EPUB is an abbreviation for "electronic publication." EPUB is an extremely flexible format that repositions text to adapt to different devices, such as mobile phones and tablets. If you expect readers to access your content on devices with smaller screens, saving as an EPUB would be a smart move.

  • MOBI: MOBI derives its name from the Mobipocket Reader software, which was acquired by Amazon but discontinued. Today, MOBI is a popular format for ebooks and works on most major e-reader devices, although it doesn't support audio or video.

  • AZW: Amazon created the AZW format for its Kindle devices. However, you can open AZW files on computers, tablets, and smartphones.

  • ODF: An acronym for "OpenDocument Format," ODF is a file meant for OpenOffice, an open-source software suite that is similar to Microsoft Office.

  • IBA: IBA is an ebook format used exclusively by the Apple iBooks Author app. Although not compatible with other e-reader devices and apps, IBA does support interactive elements, sound, and video.

Step 10. Choose your publishing venues

If you are creating an ebook to generate leads and grow your subscriber base, you may want to skip third-party platforms and host your ebook on your website.

If you want to use commercial online book venues, considerBarnes & Noble, Google Play Books, iBooks (Apple), andKobo Writing Life. For lead generation books, look for publications or content aggregator services that may allow readers to download thought leadership content in exchange for their emails.

Step 11. Publish your Ebook and share it with the world

You've reached an important milestone in your ebook journey. When you click "publish," it's official: your ebook is now available to people all over the globe. Although this moment is cause for celebration, you need to move on to the next chapter, marketing your ebook to grow its readership

Here are some proven marketing strategies tobuild your email listusing ebooks, as well as to generate new leads and downloads.

#1. Create a dedicated landing page

Don't bury your ebook on your website.Make it stand out with a dedicated landing page. Your landing page should focus exclusively on your ebook and clearly explain to visitors why they should read it. Also, your landing page should make it easy for readers to buy or download your ebook with a few clicks. Promote your landing page on your website, in blog posts, on social media--and anywhere you spread the word about your ebook.

A well-designed landing page with the right layout and visuals is crucial to the success of your ebook. That's why you should hire a professional web designer to develop your landing page. Give your web designer your brand guidelines and your ebook to ensure that your page meets your expectations.

#2. Spark conversions on social media

Through research, you can find out where your target audiences congregate on social media. For business-focused ebooks,LinkedIn is a natural choice. But don't just push posts out through your personal or company pages. Join groups and conversations with people who need the information you have to share.

For commercial ebooks, Facebook orInstagram may be goodsocial networks to consider. Facebook groups are another venue where you can make direct content with potential readers. Because of Instagram's visual focus, sharing images--including sneak peeks of your ebook's interior pages — can grab attention.

#3. Live stream your ebook content on Youtube, Facebook, or Instagram

Live streaming is gaining momentumand you want to be part of this important marketing trend. Plus, live streaming can be a great way to attract attention on social media without spending excessive amounts on advertising. A great strategy is selecting a section or chapter from your book.

Where should you live stream? Facebook,Youtube, and Instagram are the three top options to explore. Choose the networks where your target audiences spend their time. Author the post content or description you share along with your videos to help people find your stored videos after your live stream event concludes.

#4. Leverage email marketing to market your ebook

If you have an email list, put it to work to promote your ebook. A cost-effective marketing tactic,email is an effective way to reach peoplewho are familiar with you to fortify relationships and encourage sales.

你可以使用电子邮件来鼓励下载,邀请people to live streams, or share select insights or quotes from your ebook. To generate opens, use compelling subject lines. Keep people engaged with snappy email copy and interesting visuals. Even if you're emailing about another topic, a "p.s." at the end of the email that highlights your book can be an excellent way to generate downloads.

#5. Repurpose the ebook under other formats

You don't want to put all the effort you expended in creating your ebook to waste by letting your content languish in digital limbo. Instead, extract key ideas and convert them into other formats.

  • Audiobook: Life moves fast and many people don't have time or patience to sit down and read an ebook.Converting to an audiobookwill capture an entirely new audience.

  • Blog post: You can repurpose chapters of your ebook into blog posts to highlight your ideas on your website. Keep in mind that blogs have the longest shelf-life online.

  • Slideshare: A Slideshare deck adds visuals to a written ebook and removes some of the content to create a storyboard.

  • Video:You can create videos—either recordings or animated videos — to promote or even read your book.

Other ways to repurpose your ebook include infographics, especially if your ebook is full of data or diagrams;podcasts are also a good way to showcase your ebook concepts. You can even turn some of the content from your ebook into a training course and create another revenue stream.

14 Elements your Ebook must have

Exceptional ebooks are the product of thoughtful planning and careful attention to design. Your ebooks need to be engaging, visually appealing, and reader-friendly.

Before you start writing an ebook, you should havea comprehensive brand style guidethat details colors, imagery, iconography, and font choices. With that in hand, you can create ebooks that are eye-catching and reinforce your brand identity.

You can also infuse your brand presence into these 14 critical elements of ebook design:

  1. A descriptive title: Often, the title is the first thing people consider when deciding to read your ebook. It has to be both attention-grabbing and give an accurate preview of your ebook content. If needed, you can use a subtitle to convey more details about your ebook. Your title and subtitle will be prominent features on your ebook cover.

  2. A captivating cover: Yes, people do judge books by their covers. That's why yourebook cover needs to be compelling. Ideally, your cover should feature your title, subtitle, and visual elements, such as photos and/or icons that illuminate what readers will find inside.

  3. An ebook description that sells: While appealing visuals may gain potential readers' attention, they will still want to know why they should download your ebook. Hook them with a powerful ebook description— which can appear on the ebook itself or wherever you are promoting it and should clearly convey the value of your ebook. You can use a cliffhanger approach that tells part of the story but leaves readers with a question so that they want to know more.

  4. A heavily visuall grabbing introduction: Even though ebooks are full of rich content, people are more likely to scan through them first before diving in to read. Cater to this need by creating a visually-compelling introduction that hits the highlights of your content but entices people to read more. And remember thatAmazon and other ebook sales platformslet readers see the introduction before they buy. Create intros that tell stories, reveal a big secret, and paint a clear picture of what people will gain from reading your ebook.

  5. Powerful chapter headlines: When engaging with digital content, people are accustomed to navigating in a non-linear way. They may skip ahead to chapters that interest them most, then circle back to pick up any ideas they missed. Address this tendency by providing clear, engaging chapter headings that let people know what's covered in each section.

  6. Product/service call-outs: Most marketers use ebooks as a tool to capture contact information for new prospects. Although many ebooks are primarily educational, you should still spotlight your products and services in a subtle way. How? Use visual callouts that are separate from the main text to provide facts about your offerings in a less-promotional way.

  7. Printer/mobile-friendliness: Although many readers will peruse your ebook on an electronic device, some may want to print it for offline reading. Keep your designs contained to single pages and print them yourself before you publish. Also, double-check how your ebook looks on different devices, including mobile phones and tablets. You don't want to alienate potential readers by creating an ebook that isn't print-friendly or usable on their preferred device.

  8. Author page: Typically, you'll want to include a page to provide some background about the author. If you're the author, what makes you qualified to share expertise on the topic? Readers will want to know, and an author page is an excellent way to boost the credibility and value of your ebook.

  9. Table of contents:一个关键元素在每个数字和打印book, a table of contents outlines chapter or section headings. A quick glance at the table of contents lets readers know what to expect and helps them navigate quickly to topics of interest in your ebook.

  10. Colors: Your ebook should use colors from your brand palette in chapter titles, callouts, graphs, icons, images, and more. But don't overwhelm your readers with too much color. A selection of four or five coordinating colors can boost visual appeal without becoming a distraction.

  11. Professional visuals: Although you may be able to cobble together decent graphics for presentations or other materials in a pinch, you don't want do-it-yourself visuals for your ebook. Engaging a professional to create quality ebooks will elevate the appearance of your publication and grant you more esteem in the eyes of your audience.

  12. Testimonials, quotes, or stats: Data and quotes draw readers' eyes and are powerful visual elements to use in an ebook. Sprinkle stats and quotes throughout and use authoritative, recognizable sources. Your own research or testimonials from your customers can be potent proof-points that help you build credibility with readers.

  13. Social sharing buttons: Make it easy for readers to spread the word about your ebook with social sharing buttons. Link to popular networks,such as Twitter, Facebook, and/or LinkedIn on each page to motivate sharing.

  14. A final call-to-action: What do you want readers to do after reading your ebook? Do you want them to reach out for a consultation or make a purchase? Tell them. At the end of your ebook, include a clear call to action that entices readers to take the next steps.


Before the digital revolution, authoring a book was out of the realm of most people. But today, you can experience the joy of seeing your words come to life in an ebook. Whether your goal is promoting your business or fulfilling a lifelong dream of writing a novel, creating an ebook is an achievable aim.

Ebooks have proliferated across industries, from education to publishing to all areas of business. If you perform any content marketing, ebooks can be vital tools to help you capture leads and convey your expertise. No matter your intent, you can't just toss words on a page and call your document an ebook. You need to understand publishing formats, design, writing, editing, proofreading, web design, and marketing to create a successful ebook.

The good news is that professionals can support you every step of the way. Although you need to outline your ebook, you'll get the best results by handing your ebook off to a writer with expertise in long-form content. A skilled designer can bring your ebook to life with compelling visuals that appeal to your readers. And a proofreader is essential to ensure your book is polished and error-free.

Marketing is critical to get your ebook noticed

You may think that publishing is the end of your ebook journey, but it's truly the beginning of a new phase for your content. To secure readers, you must proactively market your ebook across multiple channels. Start with a professionally-designed landing page that you can share on social networks, in emails, and more. Repurpose your ebook content in blog posts, videos, live streams, podcasts, placed articles, or training courses. The more you market your ebook, the more opportunity you'll have to reach people with your ideas.

Ebook consumption is only going to grow, so learning the basics of ebook development and publishing is a smart move for everyone. Creating an ebook is often a challenging undertaking and one you don't want to pursue alone. Brainstorm ideas, outline key concepts, and assemble a team of professionals to make your ebook vision a reality.