AI Content Marketing: Understanding its Definition, Advantages, and Implementation

Learn about AI Content Marketing and its benefits in this comprehensive guide. Discover what AI Content Marketing is, how it can improve your marketing strategy, and how to use it effectively for your business.

By: R. Paulo Delgado
February 12, 2023
18 minute reading

Small businesses struggle with consistently publishing high-quality content. Why? Because they have an obvious hurdle: tighter budgets and fewer resources. This can make online marketing overwhelming.

Fortunately, the emergence of AI in content marketing opened the door to more efficient ways to create and execute content marketing strategies — provided you do it right.

Despite the growing popularity of AI, marketers may still be wary about what AI Content Marketing actually is and how it can help achieve their goals.

So let’s explore the ins and outs of AI Content Marketing, including what it is, its benefits, and, most importantly, how to effectively use it to improve your marketing results.

What can AI realistically do?

ChatGPTis a total game-changer for content creation, software development, and various other fields. Its ability to produce realistic-sounding conversation goes a long way to nurture the concept that it’s a sentient, thinking machine.

But it isn't. The creators of ChatGPT know this and make a point of mentioning it on theirofficial help pages

ChatGPT help pages cautioning users to fact-check answers to prompts.

But people's imaginations are difficult to tame. LinkedIn was a torrent of "Robots are going to take over all the marketing jobs!" for at least a week following ChatGPT's launch. But those "in the know" are more sober on what AI can and can’t do.

For example,Roy Lenders, an experienced entrepreneur in the AI space, wrote recently in a LinkedIn comment: "All of these large language models are NOT good at generating new content. [...] Where these models DO work, though, is asking them stuff about the old existing content, like summarization, generating key conclusions from a piece of text, etcetera."

Comment on LinkedIn by an AI expert on AI's ability to generate content.

And this is where AI truly excels: The ability to derive content from existing content, draw conclusions, connect dots, speed up research, prepare outlines based on previously successful outlines, and so on.

AI won’t suddenly spring up and betray humanity, like (spoiler alert coming up!) in the terrifying sci-fi flickEx Machinawhere the robot betrays the human in the end.

But, as a tool, it’s already being used to speed up workflows and improve content quality.

Let's take a look at how to truly leverage this modern miracle to create content marketing strategies that shine high above your competitors.

What is AI content marketing?

AI content marketing uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology to enhancecontent marketingstrategies from end to end. These AI tools can help with researching, planning, distributing, and creating content. Using AI in content marketing can especially speed up the mechanical aspects of a content marketing campaign.

Ai content marketing infographic by Fiverr

Keep reading to understand the uses and benefits of AI features and tools in your content marketing strategy or/and download our AI content marketing infographic


Examples of AI technologies in content marketing

The following subcategories of AI technology are specifically used to assist with content marketing strategies.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

This AI field specializes in understanding and producing natural human language. It translates human language into mathematical formulae, computes with these mathematical formulae, and then translates the mathematics back into language. To do this successfully, NLP engines must be able to:

  • Analyze language

  • Classify language

  • Understand sentiment

  • Recognize speech

This subfield is used to create written content, such as blog posts, product descriptions, andsocial media posts

Machine learning

"Machine Learning" continuously adjusts the parameters of an AI model so that its output matches what’s expected, or that its predictions fall within certain criteria.

Machine learning is an essential aspect ofbuilding an SEO content strategy with AI— it continuously analyzes enormous amounts of data to establish which titles and content outlines have historically worked best for SEO. They can analyze content calendar strategies, which times of day are best to post, and furnish insights based on tons of data points that would be impossible for a human to analyze easily.

What are the main benefits of AI in content marketing?

The primary benefits of AI in content marketing are:

  • Increased efficiency

  • Better content optimization

  • Scalability

  • Improved cost-effectiveness

For example, SEO tools such as SurferSEO or Outranking analyze myriad data points from top-ranking pages to come up with what their algorithms consider the best keywords and topics. Doing such an analysis manually would take hours, if not days. And paying an employee to do that regularly would cut into company budgets quickly.

AI tools can also scan web pages and constantly learn from them. This isn't feasible for humans to do.

All the above increases efficiency, optimizes content, and reduces costs. Plus, it’s scalable thanks to AI.

Does Google hate AI content?

Technically speaking, no. But there's a bit of history to understand:

On April 7, 2022, well-known Googler John Mueller stated that Google was anti-AI-generated content. At the time, Google's official webmaster guidelines also specifically mentioned not using automatically generated content.

But by the end of April 2022, Googlequietly removedthis recommendation from its official help pages.

On January 11, 2023, Google clarified its position on AI in a detailedTwitter thread.The guidance is that content must be "created for people first" and it must be helpful for people. The thread also clarified that content "generated through automated processes without regard for quality or user experience" would be penalized.

Google also recently released its Helpful Content update, which prioritizes content that is helpful for humans.

So the answer is simple:AI is a tool.You should be okay using itprovided that your content is fact-checked and tweaked by humans to make it helpful to the reader.

What tools exist for AI in content marketing?

To cover all the AI tools that exist would require a book. So let's take a look at the most popular tools to get a general idea of the different ways AI can work.

The majority of AI content creation tools on the market are AI content writer tools. Some double up as AI content marketing tools. And we even tested anAI image-generationtool.

Let’s take a closer look at the most widely used AI tools today.

Lately.aiis a powerful social media marketing tool that leverages AI and machine learning to predict what posts might perform best. It learns from the content you provide it and fromthousands of social mediaposts to try and establish the patterns that function best.

“最近一个AI-powered内容生成,副部l publishing and management platform," Kate Bradley Chernis, CEO of Lately tells Fiverr. "The tool re-purposes long-form text, video, and podcasts into high-performing social posts. Our AI will learn the individual voice of any brand or individual and pinpoint the ideas, words, and phrases that will convert any target audience and then splice up that long-form content based on what it learns."

Lately integrates with Hootsuite and Hubspot if you’re already using these systems to schedule content. It likewise learns from these systems to continually try and improve the quality of the social posts it creates.

When signing up for Lately, it asks you what platform you want to share through:

Lately page to configure which social media platform to use for scheduling

The "Startly" package only lets you choose onesocial media platformto post to. So I connected my Twitter account.

Immediately, Lately goes to work, applying machine learning and AI-powered analysis to understand your voice and gain insight into what types of posts to write for you, based on your past activity on that account.

Lately has a great onboarding process, informing you every step of the way what the AI is doing. It also has a very human feel to it, including its blog posts. The company's ethos is one of AIassistinghuman writers rather than replacing them, which is the best way to use this new technology.

Lately onboarding screen

To generate social media posts, Lately asks you to paste in either the URL or content of an article you wrote. You could consider this "the AI prompt."

For this demo, I fed it Fiverr's recent guide aboutWordPress vs Squarespace

Following Lately's philosophy ofhuman-assistedAI-generated content, you are then shown a screen where you can edit the content until you get a smiley face based on Lately's tips for what makes a great piece of social media content.

As you can see, I got an awesome smiley face when I followed all the tips.

Lately screen showing quality of the social media post

You can then schedule this post manually, or use Lately's AI to schedule it for you. The more posts you schedule, the more the AI can follow their progress and determine successful patterns.

"Lately applies what we refer to as a 'style-transfer rewrite," Chernis tells Fiverr, "to modify long-form content, so it’s in the exact voice of the user. Moreover, Lately's ability to literally break down the DNA of effective messaging and customize its learnings to any individual or brand gives it the ability to generate content it knows will have the maximum engagement and reach on social media."

Writeris an AI-powered content-generation platform that offers a wide variety of features for generating all types of content, such as:

  • Product descriptions

  • Blog post titles optimized for search engines

  • Content outlines

  • Full-length blog posts

  • Social media copy

It’d be impossible to go over all the features here, such as the awesome "Terms" feature that lets you build a voice for your brand by establishing words your brand should and shouldn’t use.

Instead, let's focus on Writer's AI features.

There are two ways to create content:

  • From scratch

  • Or using Cowrite, a feature that provides templates to springboard your content.

For this exercise, I started from scratch.

In Writer, you type in text that serves as an initial AI Prompt for the system to start generating content. I typed in a title and some initial content to see what Writer would say about itself. writing screen showing Writer writing about itself.

写作提示后,点击Ctrl +输入电脑,and the AI starts writing for you. Then hit Ctrl + Enter again when it's done, but I noticed this tended to create rehashed content. I should’ve given it a fresh prompt, instead.

I decided to copy what Writer wrote about itself into another AI tool called Grammarly and test it for plagiarism. I'm happy to say that Grammarly detected zero plagiarism in Writer's description of itself. Grammarly also gave Writerly an overall score of 87 for quality, and felt that Writer's content was engaging. Robots validating robots: It does feel a little like a Sci-Fi world, doesn't it?

Grammarly analyzing Writer's writing

生产的质量有很大的关系with the quality of the prompt. This is why we recommendhiring a professional AI prompt writerto get the best out of tools like Writer.

This is why we recommend hiring a professional — Fiverr gives you access to expertAI content editorsto ensure you get the best output for your projects.


ChatGPThas rocked the AI world. The tool reached 1 million users in only five days. Incomparison, Netflix took 3.5 years to reach 1 million users. And Instagram took 2.5 months.

To test ChatGPT's skill, I asked it to define itself by writing, "What is GPT?"

ChatGPT answered with this:

"GPT stands for 'Generative Pre-trained Transformer.' It is a type of language model developed by OpenAI that uses deep learning techniques to generate human-like text. It is pre-trained on a large corpus of text data and can then be fine-tuned for specific tasks such as language translation, question answering, and text summarization."

Not bad!

More specifically, ChatGPT, the latest iteration of GPT, developed specifically by the OpenAI team.

The tool is incredibly capable of ascertaining meaning from complex sentence structures and then providing answers in realistic-sounding language.

I’ve tested this tool extensively since its launch. My biggest caution to users is don’t mistake its adeptness at constructing human-sounding language for factual accuracy. You shouldfact-checkeverything ChatGPT creates for you.

That doesn't mean this tool is no good. I find that it saves me approximately 25% of my time in researching. I use it to create outlines and some descriptions, but I rewrite almost everything it sends me so that it sounds more human.

Todd Stearn, CEO, a successful personal finance website, says, "The AI we've explored too often generates content with factual inaccuracies. It also doesn't have access to web searches and current data. In our field (personal finance) this is a deal breaker. However, we're happy with it for certain use cases such as headline writing and creating summaries."

Fact-checking AI-generated content is an absolute must. I’m perhaps more careful than your typical entrepreneur because I make my living as a writer, and my "neck is on the line" if something isn’t correct. But even with all the checks and verifications, I'm still saving hours and hours using this tool.

ChatGPT is especially useful in subjects I know nothing or little about. Instead of me having to read 12-20 articles to learn about something, I can simply type in a query, and it gives me a summarized understanding. This speeds up my research time.

For example, "plants" is a subject I know absolutelynothingabout. So I thought it might be useful to test ChatGPT's chops with this subject. Here's my prompt:

ChatGPT's response to the prompt "Which plants produce the most comforting fragrances and why?"

If I were writing an article on plants with wonderful fragrances, the above would give me a springboard to jump from.

There are some bold medical claims in the response, however, and those would absolutely need to be fact-checked.

Here's another task I gave this tool: Write approximately 200 words on why peppermint oil might help with headaches, ensuring a keyword density of 1.5% for the keyword "peppermint oil."

ChatGPT response to keyword density writing prompt

The result?

  • 278 words — too long

  • Keyword density of +3.5% — way too much

  • But the content reads well. A pro writer could take the above, fact-check it, and then turn it into excellent prose.

Using ChatGPT Integration and API to Create Custom Tools for Content Creation

One of the most significant benefits of ChatGPT is its integration and API capabilities, which allow users to build custom tools for content creation. With its pre-trained language model and deep learning algorithms, ChatGPT can be used to generate text that is human-like and relevant to a specific topic.

Hire AI experts on Fiverr to build and integrate AI Engines into your application or website.

AI Away

By integrating ChatGPT into a content marketing tool, you can save time and effort in researching and writing articles. The tool can be used to generate outlines, summaries, and even entire articles, depending on the use case. This can be especially useful for businesses that are producing a large volume of content, as ChatGPT can significantly speed up the content creation process.

However, it's important to note that the output generated by ChatGPT should be fact-checked and edited to ensure accuracy and readability. The tool is not perfect, and the output may contain inaccuracies or language that does not sound natural. Nevertheless, with careful editing, the output from ChatGPT can be transformed into high-quality content.

ChatGPT excels at creating outlines. It's also excellent at providing summary answers to questions that have a lot of data about them on the web. The biggest mistake users make at the moment is thinking ChatGPT is something out of Asimov's novels. It's a tool, and should be used as one.


Grammarly is an AI-powered tool designed specifically to enhance a user's writing rather than generate the writing itself. The tool performs highly sophisticated typographical and grammatical checks. It can also determine the tone of a piece of writing.

我编写了一个简单的一些废话nto it to see what it would say about my writing. As you can see, it successfully tagged the typographical error. It also correctly flagged the passive voice, which makes for very boring writing.

Pro Tip: Always write in Active Voice wherever possible.

Grammarly flagging errors

你可以设置内容的类型你想要的目标to produce so Grammarly's AI can evaluate your writing and make suggestions that bring it further in line with your goals.

Otter.aiis an indispensable AI tool for content marketing. This tool uses AI to understand language and then create transcripts of video and audio files. This is awesome for SEO because you can easily add a transcript of a business video to your website so that search engines can more easily crawl the content on your page. Such a tool is also awesome for creating blog posts from a webinar. You just upload the webinar and then get back a phenomenally accurate transcript.

Like all AI-generated content, you should check the generated content for accuracy and errors.

I’ve used this tool extensively and am impressed at how well it determines what was said, even in noisy environments. It also performs surprisingly well with many different accents.

The tool can connect automatically to your calendar and join you in Zoom or Google Meet meetings and provide a transcript of calls. dashboard showing calendar option

I uploaded Fiverr'sHow to Make a Successful Video Ad for Social MediaYouTube video to test the tool.

After processing the conversation, you can manually edit any errors.

Errors in the transcript can easily be fixed.

Error in transcript fixed

You can also make comments in the transcript, highlight sections, and export the entire transcript as a Word or a TXT file.

Challenges and disadvantages of AI in content marketing

AI can only generate content from what already exists. All work is therefore "derivative" work. If you're looking to write a unique thought leadership piece that covers your personal experience in a field, you’re better off hiring anexpert content writer

The AI response is also only as good as the prompt that generates it. Creating good AI prompts requires an understanding of the nuances of language. It also requires some understanding of how the computer might translate the prompt.

For example, consider the following, generic prompt. It creates five completely different, unfocused titles.

Poorly crafted prompt

Now consider the following prompt:

Properly crafted AI prompt

The second prompt resulted in far better results. Acontent creatorcould run with those titles and create powerful SEO articles for them.

When coupled with human creativity, AI-powered content marketing strategies can be improved in a fraction of the time.

Hannah Millist, CEO oftwogether digital, a digital marketing agency in the UK, cited an interesting dilemma posed by AI: "I have one client that is in a very small niche, and there just isn't that much content about his industry out there for the AI to draw on to develop its suggestions. So AI has not been useful for this client, and we've binned it."

On the other hand, Millist says, AI can produce content easily for clients in a competitive industry with plenty of content already out there. "However," she adds, "this does mean all content starts to sound the same. The challenge then is to try and make our client's content unique and useful."

Millist started testing AI already a year ago but has always used it in conjunction with humancopywritersto ensure the content stands out in both cases.

(In)accuracy of AI responses

This point is so important that Yann LeCun, VP and Chief AI Scientist at Meta (formerly Facebook), made apublic postabout it recently on LinkedIn. He said that Language Learning Models are still making things up, despite the advances of tools like ChatGPT. He said this is fine for content creation, but not good for searching.

That's why fact-checking is so important.

Tips for getting started with AI in content marketing

The advent of such widely accessible technology now puts AI for small businesses within reach. You no longer need to make millions a year to invest in AI generators for small businesses.

Experts agree that AI works best when coupled with adept human skill. "If you’re a bad copywriter," says Stuart Lansdale, cofounder, an AI company aggregating the best AI technology, "AI isn’t the magic bullet to suddenly make you good. What it can do is improve the efficiency of skillful content marketers and help them get more done at a higher level, faster. Churning out massive amounts of content without editing or much care will often do more damage to your brand than have a positive impact."

This is especially true in Lately's case, which was built specifically to work with human input. "Our AI requires human training," says Chernis. "We don't replace, we augment. Lately's AI was purposely built, from the beginning, to include human training as part of its effectiveness. In fact, the human training is why the results are so impressive. Our AI learns from every step; the long-form content you ingest, every edit you make, every post you publish, every post you trash, every word you add to the library, every noise word you identify. The more you do, the faster it learns."

A series of new tools spurred theFirst Industrial Revolutionin the mid-18th century. These tools made it possible to produce clothes much faster anden masse.工具本身迪dn't destroy creativity. They only improved productivity and efficiency.

People needed to learn the new tools, just like creators today should learn how to leverage AI as a tool. Like any instrument, it’s your skill that determines the quality of the result.

Hiring AI prompt engineers to assist your content strategy

Using AI in content marketing is the future. Brands that adopt it early and learn its uses will have a competitive advantage over those that don't.

But this is a career of its own, so agencies and businesses should consider bringing a freelance AI expert/prompt engineer aboard to build efficient content marketing workflows.

Fiverr is a marketplace of freelancers with highly experienced AI prompt engineers that are ready to work out the correct prompts for your AI content marketing strategy.

Ready to get started?

Find an AI prompt engineeron Fiverr today!

About Author

R. Paulo DelgadoTech & Business Writer

R. Paulo Delgado is a tech and business freelance writer with nearly 17 years of software development experience under his belt, including WordPress programming. He is also a crypto journalist for Moneyweb, and proudly a member of Fiverr's Pro Seller program — hand-vetted professionals, verified by Fiverr for quality and service.