
Learn the meaning of SEO and why SEO is essential for your marketing strategy

July 13, 2022
what does seo stand for

What does SEO stand for in marketing? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Essentially, it's an excellent form of organic marketing. If you're running a small business, you've undoubtedly heard that SEO is necessary for your business growth. Still, perhaps you're concerned that SEO is a complex subject, and you have no idea how to begin.

SEO is essential to your marketing plan because it helps your business rank in the search engines. The goal is to create an SEO-optimized website so the Google robots understand your business when crawling your site. If your SEO content is on target, Google begins ranking your site in user searches.

Thankfully, SEO is not as difficult as you might think. Primarily, the goal is to rank high on search engines like Google, ideally on page one. This SEO guide will help you learn how to implement SEO to drive organic traffic to your website. After reading this guide, you'll understand why SEO is essential and how it can significantly boost your marketing efforts.

Basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO meaning and definition

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It's a process that optimizes the technical configuration of your website. In addition, link popularity and content relevance help your website pages to become findable from relevant user search phrases. Consequently, search engines rank websites better with targeted SEO content.

搜索引擎优化营销代表什么?你真正y need an SEO strategy, and what does SEO mean to you now? Maybe it feels like a job for an expert. You'll be pleased to know that you can do SEO in-house by understanding a few simple processes.

The definition of a good SEO strategy is applying incremental changes for on-page and off-page SEO to build higher ranking and domain authority. It's relatively straightforward to optimize an SEO website, meaning you can do it cost-effectively.

What is the role of SEO in digital marketing?

SEO is a fundamental aspect of your数字营销strategy.It's crucial in helping search engines crawl your website for indexing into their catalog of content.

What does SEO stand for in marketing? Technically, Search Engine Optimization is a marketing tool to increase contextual and organic traffic to your brand. The role of SEO in marketing is to get your business in front of more customers by driving potential users to your website

Allocating anSEO expertto underpin your marketing plan can be an efficient way to impact the bottom line.

Why is SEO important for your business?

Yourwebsite contentcould be competing with millions of other businesses. So, when your content ranks high on Google, the more likely people will click on the website. Ranking on page one significantly increases click-through rates. For instance, typically, on Google's first page, the number one listed organic resultaverages a 34.2% click-through rate.The second position is 17%, and the third has an 11% click-through rate.

Organic traffic is the optimum source ofattracting customers to your website.Firstly, it's cost-effective, with no need for expensive paid ads. Secondly, it can result in high conversion rates because it generates highly qualified leads. Finally, as customer intent drives user searches, you can tailor content to address your ideal customers.

How does SEO work?

Search engines use several hundred factors to generate search results. Google uses over 200, so if you optimize your website for the essential factors, Google robots will crawl and index your site. If your website is not indexed, it will not feature in search results.

Google's 200+ ranking factors


  • 域名年龄:A brand new site is unlikely to rank for several months

  • Domain History: Check the domain history for a track record in case Google has previously penalized the domain

  • Keyword is in the Top-level Domain: It's more challenging to rank this way now, but it still signals relevancy to search engines

  • Public vs Private WhoIs:You have the option to protect your privacy by not having your details on the public WhoIs register. Whatever you choose does not impact search engine ranking


  • Keyword in Title Tag:Adding a keyword to your title is not essential, but it helps on-page SEO

  • Table of Contents:Helps Google identify page content, and builds internal links

  • Content Length:As Google crawls websites for the highest value content, aim for a minimum article length of around 1500 words

  • In-depth Content: Check the top-ranking websites in your industry and observe that in-depth topic undoubtedly ranks higher on Google

  • Page Loading Speed via HTML:Google uses Chrome user data to assess page loading speed. Optimize your site for fast loading for mobile and desktop


  • Good Value Content:Create valuable content with unique insights

  • Site Architecture:Helps the Google bots to crawl your site and index site content

  • Site Updates:Aim for consistency in adding content

  • SSL Certificate:Secure your site with HTTPS as it can help site ranking

  • Site Map:Create and submit to Google to help search engines index pages


  • Linking Domain Age:It is preferable to get backlinks from aged domains and ideally with a high domain authority (DA)

  • Number of Linking Pages:Building backlinks can impact page ranking

  • Linked Page Authority:An essential ranking factor. Choose top-ranking pages for backlinks

  • Linking Root Domains:Increasing the number of referring domains is a priority factor for ranking your website.

  • Referring Domains:Aim for links from a broad range of sites with separate IP addresses


  • Organic Click-through Rate (CTR):Specifically for a keyword, a good page CTR can help boost the SERPs

  • Bounce Rate:According to SEMrush, pages with a high bounce rate may not rank as high as sites with a low bounce rate.

  • Direct Traffic:谷歌分析谷歌Chrome哒ta to determine site visit numbers and frequency. A site with a lot of direct traffic may rank higher

  • Repeat Traffic:A site with repeat visitors may get a boost in Google ranking

  • Bookmarked Pages:When users bookmark a page in Google Chrome, it may create a boost in ranking


  • User Browsing History:When users visit a site frequently, it gets a SERPs boost

  • User Search History:Search chains influence future search results. For instance, if users search for "reviews" and "web hosting", Google may rank web hosting review sites higher in the SERPs

  • Featured Snippets:A SEMRush study revealed that Google selects Featured Snippets based on several factors like formatting, content length, page authority, and HTTPS usage

  • Geo-Targeting:Sites with a country-specific domain name extension and a local server IP address may get preference from Google

  • Safe Search:If users have "Safe Search" switched on, sites with adult content or swear words will not appear in searches


  • Branded Searches:If users search for your brand, Google recognizes the validity of your brand

  • Active Social Media Pages:Notably, a Facebook page and Twitter profile with lots of engagement and likes.

  • Official LinkedIn Company Page:Helps to showcase your brand

  • Brand Mentions on Top Stories:Top story sites mention big brands regularly

  • Unlinked Brand mentions:Even if a brand is mentioned online without a hyperlink, Google still regards it as a brand signal


  • Links to Bad Neighborhoods:Don't link to sites considered "spammy"

  • Panda Penalty:Google issues a Panda Penalty to reduce visibility to sites with low-quality content, such as content mills

  • Distracting Adverts orPopups: Google may de-index a website as it considers these distractions to signal a low-quality site

  • Site Over-Optimization:Excessive use of keywords is a big "no-no", and a site doing so risks de-indexing

  • Hiding Affiliate Links:You risk a penalty by cloaking affiliate links. Add a disclaimer so that users are aware of affiliate status. Google will evaluate an affiliate site negatively if it fails to provide value


  • Hacked Website:Your site can disappear from search results if it gets hacked. It could even be de-indexed

  • Sudden Influx of Links:Never buy backlinks. A sudden influx of links is a red flag to Google

  • Link Profile with Multiple Low-quality Links:Avoid black hat SEO (backlinking low-quality links – like forum profiles and blog comments – to get a higher ranking that goes against search engine guidelines)

  • Links from Unrelated Websites:Build backlinks with relevant sites, or you could risk a Google penalty

  • Widget Links:Google does not like automatically generated links created by embedding a "widget" on a website

We've covered a cross-section of Google ranking factors in this guide. To discover over 200 ranking factors with explanations,read Brian Dean's articleon the subject.

The three pillars of SEO

  • Technical SEO:技术SEO优化你的网站server in a way that helps the search engines to more effectively crawl and index your website, which will help improve the site's organic ranking.

  • On-page SEO:On-page is everything internally you do to optimize website pages to rank higher in the search engines to get relevant traffic. On-page SEO includes page content, HTML source code, Meta tags, adding images with "alt" descriptions, FAQ schema, and adding internal and external links to pages.

  • Off-page SEO:Off-page (often called off-site SEO) is the external action taken to improve your site ranking. For instance, it may include guest posts, social media marketing, podcasts, brand mentions (linked and unlinked) etc. The aim is to create quality, trusted backlinks to your site to build domain authority (DA).

How do search engines work?

A search engine is an automated, highly-developed software program that helps people quickly find the information they want by typing in phrases or keywords. Search engines use pre-defined algorithms that can rapidly produce the best results.

Search engines use robots to scan the Internet continuously, crawling and indexing pages. For every user search, the algorithm checks the titles of indexed web pages, including keywords and content. It then produces a list of relevant sites in ranking order, with the perceived best value websites on page one.

Most companies target their SEO optimization for Google guidelines as it is the most dominant search engine. Still, optimizing for Google also helps businesses rank with other popular search engines like Yahoo and Bing.

The next section gives an overview of how Google search works.


The three stages of a Google search: -

  • Crawling:Google automated robots (Googlebot) crawl the internet 24/7, using an algorithmic process to identify content, images, and videos from web pages, which are then downloaded to the database. The robots follow link trails on your site, which is why a site map can be helpful. Google crawlers need full access to a website, which can be prohibited by network issues, robots.txt directives blocking Googlebot, or problems with the server hosting the site.

  • Indexing:A site is invisible until it is indexed. Google analyzes a web page's content, images, and video files, considering elements like content, titles, headings, alt tags, meta tags, etc. Google determines if a page is canonical (most likely shown in search results) or a duplicate. It then stores the information in the Google Index. There's no guarantee that Google will index your site. It may have a poor design or metadata or low-quality content. Google wants to return the highest quality content to its users.

  • Presenting search results:When a user inputs a keyword or phrase on Google, the search engine returns relevant websites. Hundreds of factors determine relevancy, such as users' language, locations, and what device they're using.

What Google wants?

Page Quality

Google wants to return the best quality pages with relevant content that help its users.

What Makes up a Webpage?


  1. The main content:Such as written content, images, and videos

  2. Supplementary content:Contributing to a positive user experience but not directly influencing the page purpose

  3. Advertisements:A business can make money from monetizing its website, but sponsored content must be apparent to the user

Website Page Quality

Site navigation must be well maintained and user-friendly with working links, optimized images, and site information that helps visitors learn about your company.

Website Reputation

The reputation of your website may influence search results. Regularly check review sites like TrustPilot and Yelp and integrate improvements where needed.

Characteristics of a High-Quality page

The high-quality main content on your site is essential for a good rating, and supplementary content supports page quality. In addition, follow the "EAT" principles:

  • Expertise

  • Authoritativeness

  • Trustworthiness

Create an informative site that positions you as a trustworthy expert and authority in your industry.

What is Considered a Low-quality Page?

Sites with a lack of, or poor quality, content that lacks the "EAT" principles are considered low-quality. In addition, other factors are a negative reputation, poor page design, broken links, keyword stuffing, lack of information about the company, and out-of-date pages.

What's most important to page quality?

Unsurprisingly, the quality and quantity of your main content are the top factors for page quality. In addition, a strong foundation of expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness are equally important. Still, these components won't matter if your business has a poor reputation.

Search Engine Results Pages Explained

When you enter a keyword or phrase into a search engine, it returns SERPs (search engine results page). Google is the most popular search engine, with more than 80% of the market share. Other search engines include Bing, Yahoo, and Yelp.

The average search results include:

  • Paid search, where companies have paid to at the top of page one

  • Organic results determined by the Google algorithm

  • Featured snippets

Additionally, some queries will return search results pages containing the following:

  • Local Pack - local Google Business Profile listings

  • Video Results

  • Images

  • Knowledge Graph - containing information about a certain query (information gathered from a variety of authoritative sources)

What Are SERPs?

SERPs is an abbreviation for "search engine results pages". Google returns SERPs from a user's search query.

SERPs are important for SEO because they determine how your site appears on Google's first page, and you can help it influence your chosen page keywords. For instance, if your keyword is "best podcast microphone" and a search returns ten paid adverts, your site sits beneath them. You research a different keyword, such as"top 5 best podcast microphones", and there are only two paid ads, meaning your site is in the third position on the first page.

For a highly competitive keyword, paid searches may also appear at the bottom of the first page, making it increasingly challenging for organic results to get onto page one.

Paid search results display a small green "Ad" icon in the top left of the link and appear on almost52%of page one SERPs.

The Google algorithm determines organic results. The algorithm isn't public knowledge, but SEO experts report that on-page and off-page (quality backlinks) SEO signals, site loading speed (mobile and desktop), brand presence, and trust signals contribute to good SERPs. Organic search results snippets include page URL, meta description, and page title.

Anatomy of a perfectly SEO optimized page

SEO needn't be complex. The principles are simple, but to formulate an SEO strategy, knowing the anatomy of a perfectly optimized page helps create a streamlined SEO plan.

Title Tag

Having a keyword in the title tag can act as an SEO signal. Title tags beginning with a keyword outperform title tags with the keyword at the end.

H1 Heading

When the keyword is in the H1 tag, it's a "second title tag" that Google uses as a signal for secondary relevance.


Over 50% of Google searches are from a mobile device. Subsequently, Google now penalizes websites not optimized for mobile users.

Content Length

Longer content outperforms short-form content, primarily because longer word content can cover a subject in more depth, providing more user value. A recentindustry study on ranking factorsrevealed that the optimum content length is around 1400 words.

Internal Links

Internal links are an essential component of SEO. For instance, if you have a page starting to rank, pointing to more internal links of relevance creates a ranking signal. Note that internal links with more authority are more effective than a low-ranking page.

Image Optimization

Optimize images with relevant captions, alt tags, file names, titles, and descriptions because it helps to send essential relevancy signals to the search engines.

Page Experience

Google considers page experience as a ranking factors and uses a subset of factors calledcore web vitalsto determines a web page's overall experience.


We started this guide by asking, "what does SEO stand for?" and hopefully, you now have a broader idea of the benefits of SEO. There's no reason to outsource SEO to an expert because it isn't as complex as you think. In addition, you don't have to do it all at once. Build up your SEO efforts over time, learning as you go and tweaking your SEO when you start to see results.

Here's a recap of the eight main benefits of optimizing your website for SEO:

  • Users instinctively trust higher-ranking business sites

  • Increases organic traffic and brings more customers to your business

  • Improves brand awareness

  • More product sales or service requests

  • It helps to redirect your focus to the user experience

  • Budget-friendly - it saves money on buying paid advertising

  • It's measurable with analytics so that you can tweak your SEO efforts for further improvement

  • You can implement SEO into your existing market plan

The main criteria for your SEO strategy are to create a website with high-quality content and always aim to provide top-notch user value. Write in a conversational style and make it easy for users to engage with your content.

Begin adding SEO to your marketing strategy, and you will soon see positive results for your business.